Effective 11/13/2020 - Church gatherings are still able to happen but we're back to 25.
Limited attendance to the first 25 attendees;
Please be in your seats no later than 10:45 AM so we can begin our service promptly at 11:00 AM;
Use the south door (fishbowl door) for entrance and exit;
Everyone MUST wear facial masks covering both the nose and the mouth areas at all times while attending;
Maintain a minimum physical distance of six (6) feet from others not in your household — pews have been marked off to guide you;
Please stay home and rest up when you feel unwell or when you are experiencing any symptoms of illness;
Practice good hand hygiene — attendees will be offered hand sanitizer before entering;
Documentation of those who attend will be maintained in the event of COVID exposures. This is a requirement of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA);
A tithe and offerings drop box and our church school lamb’s offering box will be available for your donations;
Please plan on limiting restroom usage while attending;
No children or youth Sabbath school is being offered at this time, however, children are encouraged to attend while sitting with parents/guardians;
Within 15 minutes of sermon completion, attendees need to vacate the church building (visitation is encouraged outside while practicing social distancing);
For those who do not attend the 11:00 AM service, the south entrance will be open from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM to drop off your tithes and offerings through the mail slot in the church door to your left as you enter.